Author: TPrewitt

  • Working With You

    Working With You

    Hi, I’m Tony Prewitt. For those of you that do not yet know me, I wanted to take a moment and share aspects of myself to you. I am eager, driven, and in the vernacular, ‘hungry’. Working is an awesome thing and am always eager to help and assist others. Also, please know that I…

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  • Today is Embrace Your Geek Day!

    Today is Embrace Your Geek Day!

    Happy Embrace Your Geek Day!  As this day is meant to showcase the talents, works and gifts of folks like you, I am striving for a more broader, extensive and inclusive direction. With that said, feel free to share your ideas, comments, work and gifts.  I am always striving to be better and to learn…

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  • Hello everyone!

    Hello everyone!

    Welcome to my website!  I want to use this as a platform to share and showcase some of my work!  Have questions, comments, etc., please feel free to drop my a line and I hope to hear from you soon!

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